Jamie Harron
Arrested for brushing past man in Dubai bar

Jamie Harron - Arrested for brushing past man in Dubai bar

Scottish man Jamie Harron was detained in Dubai for brushing past a man in a busy bar. He was accused of insulting behaviour and taken into custody. Jamie reached out to Detained in Dubai for help and he was home just a few days later.
Sheikh Mohammed Al Maktoum intervened and ordered his release.
Jamie Harron thanks Radha Stirling & Detained in Dubai
"I'm Jamie. A few year's back, I fell foul to the laws of Dubai. I was facing some serious charges there that don't make any sense to westerner's at all. I would just really like to thank Radha Stirling and Detained in Dubai for taking my story to the media after spending four months stuck there on bail, nearly losing my house and everything, for taking it to the media and exposing the story for how silly it was. I just can't thank them enough. Thank you very much, most appreciated."